Perfect for Travelling
This little treasure provides powerful brow perfection decked out in a hard coated, rich gold finish.- Hand-filed and ultra thin, titanium coated slant tips provide advanced accuracy for expert brow shaping - Protective coating increases tool-life and reduces friction, which also contributes to durability and ease of use - Ideal size for makeup and travel bags
To ease tweezing, take a hot shower or use a warm washcloth to open pores. Tweeze in the direction of hair growth to avoid breakage. To close pores post tweezing, use cold water or astringent. Disinfect tweezer tips with isopropyl alcohol or peroxide after each use. You cannot autoclave or place this item in barbicide. This tweezer can be sharpened, however, the decorative coating will no longer be on the tips of the implement.

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A small number of our brands and products are not allowed to be sold online. Please give us a call at 1-800-252-0275 or stop into one of our stores to order this product.